Thursday, 31 March 2016

Explain the differences between TOEFL and TOEIC


The TOEFL test is for people who want to study abroad in a language school or a university. The TOEFL test measures a person’s English ability for academic studies. Basically if you want to study at an ESL program abroad or would like to apply to enter a university or college you need to take the TOEFL test.

The TOEFL test on the other hand is focused on the university and academic worlds. So you could have to read someone's flyer looking for a new roommate or listen to a class lecture on ancient history.

examples of question:

1. Having been served lunch,....
    A. the problems were discussed by the participants.
    B. the participants discuss the problems.
    C. it was discussed by the participants.
    D. A discussion of the problems were made by the participants.

2. East Kalimantan relies heavily on income from oil and natural gas, and....
    A. Aceh province also.
    B. Aceh province too.
    C. Aceh province is as well.
    D. so does Aceh province.


The TOEIC test is for people who want to work in a job that uses English. The TOEIC test measures a person’s English ability in the workplace. So if you are applying for a job or trying to get a promotion this is the test you need to take. Many people also like to use the TOEIC test to better understand how well they can speak English. Even if you don't plan on working in a job where you need English you can still use this test to measure your English ability.

The content is very different between the TOEIC test versus the TOEFL. The TOEIC test is focused on business English so you will see topics ranging from contracts and marketing to eating out and buying a train ticket.

examples of question:

1.      .1. no better season than winter to begin training at Fitness center.
A.    When
B.     It
C.     There
D.    As it

2.      2. The financial audit of Soft Peach Software …….completed on Wednesday by a certified accounting firm.
A.     To be
B.      Having been
C.      Was
D.     Were

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis


Hello, My Name is Farhan Rifqi Mahatidana you can call me farhan. I come from South Tangerang and I was born in Tangerang. I live in Sukun street ciputat, South Tangerang. I am study in Gunadarma University faculty computer science.

My hobby listening music and playing computer. I think music is my best friend, because music always in my life. I never compare while the music still good in my ear, there are many genre that I like.

My favorite job is all about computer, because this is my hobby. And in the future I want to be a IT Profesional, Because the job is connected with computer and I enjoy it.

Farhan Rifqi Mahatidana